The End of Ponies 128


Twilight SparkleRarityPinkie PieFluttershyApplejackRainbow DashSpikeScootalooOriginal CharacterOther (not in list)

  • Chapter One: From the Ashes
    ♫ .mp3
  • Chapter One (Redo): From the Ashes
    ♫ .mp3
  • Chapter Two: The Last Pony
    ♫ .mp3
  • Chapter Three: Of Hope and Harmony
    ♫ .mp3
  • Chapter Four: Creatures of the Overworld
    ♫ .mp3
  • Chapter Five: Reunions
    ♫ .mp3
  • Chapter Six: The Refoaling
    ♫ .mp3
  • Chapter Seven: Immutable
    ♫ .mp3
  • Chapter Eight: Live to Die
    ♫ .mp3
  • Chapter Nine: The Art of Sublety
    ♫ .mp3
  • Chapter Ten: Where You Lay Your Head
    ♫ .mp3
  • Chapter Eleven: A Wonder to be Alive
    ♫ .mp3
  • Chapter Twelve: Give to the Earth
    ♫ .mp3
  • Chapter Thirteen: Faith's Beacon
    ♫ .mp3
  • Chapter Fourteen: To Touch the Ground
    ♫ .mp3
  • Chapter Fifteen: A Place That Isn't Empty
    ♫ .mp3
  • Chapter Sixteen: A Gift in the Darkness
    ♫ .mp3
  • Chapter Seventeen: And the Earth Gives Back
    ♫ .mp3
  • Chapter Eighteen: A Heart Unburied
    ♫ .mp3
  • Chapter Nineteen: Everlast
    ♫ .mp3
  • Chapter Twenty: Everclear
    ♫ .mp3
  • Chapter Twenty-One: Everbriar
    ♫ .mp3
  • Chapter Twenty-Two: Evershy
    ♫ .mp3
  • Chapter Twenty-Three: Eversoft
    ♫ .mp3
  • Chapter Twenty-Four: Everkind
    ♫ .mp3
  • Chapter Twenty-Five: Everdazzle
    ♫ .mp3
  • Chapter Twenty-Six: Everdizzy
    ♫ .mp3
  • Chapter Twenty-Seven: Everdaring
    ♫ .mp3
  • Chapter Twenty-Eight: Evertime
    ♫ .mp3
  • Chapter Twenty-Nine: Evercircle
    ♫ .mp3
  • Chapter Thirty: Everlove
    ♫ .mp3
  • Chapter Thirty-One: Heart of Pinkness
    ♫ .mp3
  • Chapter Thirty-Two: The Pinkest Storm
    ♫ .mp3
  • Chapter Thirty-Three: For the Moon is Hollow and I Have Touched the Pie
    ♫ .mp3
  • Chapter Thirty-Four: Pinkamena Pie's Defunct
    ♫ .mp3
  • Chapter Thirty-Five: The Sisters Pie
    ♫ .mp3
  • Chapter Thirty-Six: Beyond Pink and Evil
    ♫ .mp3
  • Chapter Thirty-Seven: Pinklo Pieloto
    ♫ .mp3
  • Chapter Thirty-Eight: One Flew Over the Pinkie Pie
    ♫ .mp3
  • Chapter Thirty-Nine: Slaughterpink Five
    ♫ .mp3

A horrible Cataclysm has turned all of Equestria into a Wasteland of barren ash and twilight desolation. The Sun and the Moon have been destroyed. Everypony has died--including Princesses Luna and Celestia. But one pony miraculously survives; she is a lone wanderer, the last of her kind, surrounded by menacing creatures that hate her. She navigates the Wastes in an airship and scavenges off the blighted landscape to keep herself alive.

Then one day she meets an old companion who grants her a gift, the chance to go back in time to the warm and sunny days of Ponyville, where her dead friends live in happiness. How far will the last pony venture into this joyous age of Equestria, even if she fully knows that there is no way to change the horrible fate of everypony she loves?

2013 Edition: Smaller Chapters, Better Grammar, and a Few New Scenes

Story: The End of Ponies - Fimfiction
Author: Short Skirts and Explosions
Reader: Prismic

Act I (Chapters 1-8): Download
Act II (Chapters 9-18): Download
Act III (Chapters 19-30): Download

All Chapters (So Far): Downloads

Read by Prismic